


基本信息 Basic information

姓    名:李登秋

职    称:副教授





单    位:福建师范大学地理科学学院


联系方式 Contact






研究方向 Research Interests



个人履历 Resume

教  育:




工  作:




个人简介  Brief



论文(*通讯作者) Publications (*corresponding author)

  1. Yongpeng Ye; Dengsheng Lu; Zuohang Wu; Kuo Liao; Mingxing Zhou; Kai Jian; Dengqiu Li*. Vertical Characteristics of Vegetation Distribution in Wuyishan National Park Based on Multi-Source High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Data. Remote Sensing. 2023, 15, 5023.

  2. Mingxing Zhou; Dengqiu Li*; Kuo Liao; Dengsheng Lu. Integration of Landsat time-series vegetation indices improves consistency of change detection, International Journal of Digital Earth, 2023, 16(1), 1276-1299.

  3. Yi Zhang; Dengsheng Lu; Xiandie Jiang; Yunhe Li; Dengqiu Li*. Forest structure simulation of eucalyptus plantation using remote-sensing-based forest age data and 3-PG model, Remote Sensing, 2023, 15: 183.

  4. 付东光, 李登秋*, 陆灯盛, 陈耀亮.(2023).基于调查数据的福建省330 m全球土地覆盖产品精度评价. 福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)(02),122-136.

  5. Dengqiu Li; Dengsheng Lu; Yunzhong Wu; Kunfa Luo. Retrieval of eucalyptus planting history and stand age using random localization segmentation and continuous land-cover classification based on Landsat time-series data, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 2022, 59(1): 1426-1445.

  6. Mengzhuo Fan; Kuo Liao; Dengsheng Lu; Dengqiu Li*. Examining vegetation change and associated spatial patterns in Wuyishan national park at different protection levels, Remote Sensing, 2022, 14: 1712.

  7. 林文科, 陆亚刚, 蒋先蝶, 李桂英, 李登秋, 陆灯盛. 协同多源遥感数据的北亚热带森林蓄积量贝叶斯分层估测. 遥感学报, 2022, 26(3): 468-479.

  8. Dengqiu Li; Dengsheng Lu; Yan Zhao; Mingxing Zhou; Guangsheng Chen. Spatial patterns of vegetation coverage change in giant panda habitat based on MODIS time-series observations and local indicators of spatial association, Ecological Indicator, 2021, 124(107418).

  9. 周明星, 李登秋*, 邹建军. 基于稠密Landsat 数据的邛崃山大熊猫栖息地植被变化研究. 植物生态学报, 2021, 45(2): 355-369.

  10. 蒋宇威, 李登秋*. 火灾和地质灾害对森林的干扰及其恢复评估. 安徽农业科学,2021,4(14): 106-109.

  11. Dengqiu Li; Dengsheng Lu; Emilio Moran; da Silva Ramon Felipe Bicudo. Examining water area changes accompanying dam construction in the Madeira River in the Brazilian Amazon, Water, 2020, 12(1921).

  12. Xiaozhi Yu; Dengsheng Lu; Xiandie Jiang; Guiying Li; Yaoliang Chen; Dengqiu Li; Erxue Chen. Examining the roles of spectral, spatial, and topographic features in improving land-cover and forest classifications in a subtropical region. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12: 2907.

  13. Dengqiu Li; Dengsheng Lu; Nan Li; Ming Wu; Xuexin Shao. Quantifying annual land-cover change and vegetation greenness variation in a coastal ecosystem using dense time-series Landsat data, Giscience & Remote Sensing, 2019, 56(5): 769-793.

  14. Yuyun Chen; Longwei Li; Dengsheng Lu; Dengqiu Li. Exploring Bamboo Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Data. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11, 7.

  15. Dengqiu Li; Dengsheng Lu; Ming Wu; Xuexin Shao; Jinhong Wei. Examining land cover and greenness dynamics in Hangzhou Bay in 1985–2016 using Landsat time-series data; Remote Sensing, 2018, 10: 32.

  16. Yukun Gao; Dengsheng Lu; Guiying Li; Guangxing Wang; Qi Chen; Lijuan Liu; Dengqiu Li. Comparative analysis of modeling algorithms for forest aboveground biomass estimation in a subtropical region. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10: 627.

  17. Yibo Liu; Jingfeng Xiao; Weimin Ju; Gaolong Zhu; Xiaocui Wu; Weiliang Fan; Dengqiu Li; Yanlian Zhou. Satellite-derived LAI products exhibit large discrepancies and can lead to substantial uncertainty in simulated carbon and water fluxes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2018, 206, 174-188.

  18. 嵇佳怡, 俞徐苗, 俞春晖, 章宇超, 李登秋. 基于遥感和随机森林的香榧林空间分布提取. 南方农业, 2018, 34, 93-95.

  19. 陶江玥, 刘丽娟, 庞勇, 李登秋, 冯云云, 王雪, 丁友丽, 彭琼, 肖文惠. 基于机载激光雷达和高光谱数据的树种识别方法. 浙江农林大学学报, 2018, 02, 314-323.

  20. Shanshan Liu; Xinliang Wei; Dengqiu Li; Dengsheng Lu. Examining forest disturbance and recovery in the subtropical forest region of Zhejiang Province using Landsat time-series data. Remote Sensing. 2017, 9, 479.

  21. 李登秋; 张春华; 居为民; 刘丽娟; 江西省森林净初级生产力动态变化特征及其驱动因子分析, 植物生态学报, 2016, 40(7): 643-657.

  22. 刘丽娟, 李登秋, 董毅光. 通过主题式学习激发学生遥感类课程的自主学习能力. 科技创新导报, 2016, 14, 161-162.

  23. Panpan Zhao; Dengsheng Lu; Guangxing Wang; Lijuan Liu; Dengqiu Li; Zhu, J.; Yu, S. Forest aboveground biomass estimation in Zhejiang Province using the integration of Landsat TM and ALOS PALSAR data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2016, 53: 1-15.

  24. Dengqiu Li; Weimin Ju; Dengsheng Lu; Yanlian Zhou; Huimin Wang. Impact of estimated solar radiation on gross primary productivity simulation in subtropical plantation in southeast China, Solar Energy, 2015, 120: 175-186.

  25. Dengqiu Li; Weimin Ju; Wenyi Fan; Zhujun Gu. Estimating the age of deciduous forests in northeast China with Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus data acquired in different phenological seasons, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2014, 8(1): 112-127.

  26. Chunhua Zhang; Weimin Ju; Jingming Chen; Dengqiu Li; Xiqun Wang; et al. Mapping forest stand age in China using remotely sensed forest height and observation data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2014, 119(6): 1163-1179.

  27. 李登秋,周艳莲,居为民,王辉民,柳艺博,吴小翠. 太阳辐射变化对亚热带人工常绿针叶林总初级生产力影响的模拟分析. 植物生态学报, 2014, 38:219-230.

  28. 李玉环, 李登秋, 武婕, 张文龙. 菜地旱地交错分布区土壤有机碳和有效态微量元素的空间变异性—以山东寿光古城镇为例. 植物营养与肥料学报2014, 02, 364-371.

  29. 李登秋, 居为民, 郑光, 柳艺博, 昝梅, 张春华, 黄金龙. 基于生态过程模型和森林清查数据的森林生长量估算对比研究. 生态环境学报, 2013, 10, 1647-1657.

  30. 昝梅, 李登秋, 居为民, 王希群, 陈蜀江. 基于HJ-CCD影像数据的新疆喀纳斯自然保护区植被叶面积指数估算. 冰川冻土, 2013, (04), 892-903.

  31. 昝梅, 李登秋, 居为民, 王希群, 陈蜀江. 新疆喀纳斯国家自然保护区植被叶面积指数观测与遥感估算. 生态学报, 2013, 15, 4744-4757.

  32. Zhujun Gu; Weimin Ju; Yibo Liu; Dengqiu Li; Weiliang Fan. Forest leaf area index estimated from tonal and spatial indicators based on ikonos_2 imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications, 2013, 3(4), 175-184.

  33. Chunhua Zhang; Weimin Ju; Jingming Chen; Mei Zan; Dengqiu Li; Yanlian Zhou, Xiqun Wang. China's forest biomass carbon sink based on seven inventories from 1973 to 2008. Climatic Change, 2013, 118: 933-948.

  34. Zhujun Gu, Weimin Ju, Li Lin, Dengqiu Li, Yibo Liu, Weiliang Fan. Using vegetation indices and texture measures to estimate vegetation fractional coverage (VFC) of planted and natural forests in Nanjing city, China. Advances in Space Research, 2013, 51, 1186-1194.

  35. Zhujun Gu, Weimin Ju, Yibo Liu, Dengqiu Li, Weiliang Fan. Applicability of Spectral and Spatial Information from IKONOS_2 Imagery in Retrieving Leaf Area Index of Forests in the Urban Area of Nanjing, China. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2012, 6(1), 063556.

  36. Dengqiu Li; Xianfeng Li; Weimin Ju. Interaction between water and carbon cycles in Lushui river basin simulated using an ecological model driven by remote sensing. International Conference on Geoinformatics. 2011

  37. 丁光国, 李登秋, 丁昶. 寿光日光温室土壤有机碳含量及影响因素分析. 山东农业科学, 2009, 09, 70-73.

  38. 李登秋, 林秀渠, 李真, 李玉环. 基于TMASAR数据的矿区塌陷地信息提取. 中国土地科学, 2009, 06, 72-76.


主要获奖成果 The Main Achievements


科研项目 Research projects


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目高时空遥感协同的马尾松林干扰识别、模拟及对碳源汇的影响,2024/01-2027/12

  2. 福建省气象科学研究所委托项目,茶叶种植面积和长势无人机遥感监测,2023/07-2023/12

  3. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目1985-2022年短周期经营模式下的桉树人工林生态系统对区域碳中和的贡献,2022/03-2025/03

  4. 福建省上杭白砂国有林场委托项目,福建上杭白砂国有林场碳中和林项目设计及检测服务,2022/04-2022/12

  5. 福建省生态系统样地季度调查服务,2022/12-2023/12

  6. 福建省生态系统样地调查服务,2022/03-2022/08

  7. 福建省水土保持试验站委托项目,长汀县水土流失治理过程对森林碳汇时空演变特征的影响研究,2021/10-2023/12

  8. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,亚热带森林生态系统碳收支对三种主要干扰类型的时空响应特征,2018/01-2020/12

  9. 浙江省省院合作林业科技项目课题,浙江省典型湿地生态监测与评估预警信息系统构建研究,2018/01-2020/12

  10. 国家重点研发计划子课题,遗产地森林生态系统历史干扰及其对生物多样性的影响(自然遗产地生态保护与管理技术),2016/07-2020/12

  11. 浙江省自然科学基金青年项目,亚热带森林扰动时空变化特征及其对森林碳收支的影响研究,2016/01-2018/12


  1. 福建省自然科学基金对外合作项目,福建省人工林蓄积量遥感估测制图技术,2023/01-2026/01

  2. 国家重点研发计划子课题,碳中和背景下森林碳汇形成及经营响应机理,2021/10-2026/09

  3. 福建省科技厅公益类科研院所专项,面向碳中和目标的福建省碳达峰和林业碳汇研究,2021/11-2024/11

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,乔灌木对农宅群热辐射扰动影响机理研究-以浙江为例,2020/01-2023/12

  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于绿叶分离的毛竹林碳通量模拟及其年际变化调控机制研究,2019/01-2022/12

  6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,针改阔对杉木林温室气体通量和固碳功能的影响,2018/01-2021/12