


基本信息 Basic information









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研究方向 Research Interests



个人履历 Resume





个人简介 Brief

周鲁宏,博士,副教授。2018年毕业于中国科学院植物研究所,获理学博士学位。2018-2020年于北京大学从事博士后研究。20208月入职福建师范大学地理科学学院。主要通过宏观生态学、分子生物学和有机地球化学等技术系统性地研究气候变化、植被转换和人类活动对森林、草地生态系统群落结构和土壤碳循环的影响及关键机制。现主持(参加)科研项目3项。已在Functional EcologySoil Biology & BiochemistryPlant and SoilBiogeochemistryLandscape EcologyJournal of EcologyGeoderma等生态学和土壤学主流期刊发表SCI论文18篇。


教学工作 Teaching Work




代表性论文  Selected Publications

Wu LF, Zou BZ, Wang SR, Zhou LH*, Zheng Y, Huang ZQ, He J-Z*. 2023. Effects of multispecies restoration on soil extracellular enzyme activity stoichiometry in Pinus massoniana plantations of subtropical China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 178, 108967.

Wu LF, Zhou LH*, Zou BZ, Wang SR, Zheng Y, Huang ZQ, He J-Z*. 2022. Soil fungal diversity and functionality changes associated with multispecies restoration of Pinus massoniana plantation in subtropical China. Forests 13, 2075.

Wu B, Zhou LH, Liu SS*, Liu FF, Saleem M, Han XG, Shu LF, Yu XL, Hu RW, He ZL, Wang C*. 2022. Biogeography of soil protistan consumer and parasite is contrasting and linked to microbial nutrient mineralization in forest soils at a wide-scale. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 165, 108513.

Huang HY, Tian D, Zhou LH, Su HJ, Ma SH, Feng YH, Tang ZY, Zhu JL, Ji CJ, Fang JY*. 2022. Effects of afforestation on soil microbial diversity and enzyme activity: A meta-analysis. Geoderma 423,115961.

Ma SH, Zhu B, Chen GP, Ni XF, Zhou LH, Su HJ, Cai Q, Chen X, Zhu JL, Ji CJ, Li YD, Fang JY*. 2022. Loss of soil microbial residue carbon by converting a tropical forest to tea plantation. Science of the Total Environment 818, 151742.

Ma SH, Chen GP, Tang WG, Xing AJ, Chen X, Xiao W, Zhou LH, Zhu JL, Li YD, Zhu B, Fang JY*. 2021. Inconsistent responses of soil microbial community structure and enzyme activity to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in two tropical forests. Plant Soil 460, 453-468.

Zhou LH#, Liu SS#, Shen HH*, Zhao MY, Xu LC, Xing AJ, Fang JY*. 2020. Soil extracellular enzyme activity and stoichiometry in China’s forests. Functional Ecology 34, 1461-1471.

Liu SS, Zhou LH, Li H, Zhao X, Yang YH, Zhu YK, Hu HF, Chen LY, Zhang PJ, Shen HH*, Fang JY*. 2020. Shrub encroachment decreases soil inorganic carbon stocks in Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Ecology 108, 678-686.

Chen GP#, Ma SH#, Tian D, Xiao W, Jiang L, Xing AJ, Zou AL, Zhou LH, Shen HH, Zheng CY, Ji CJ, He HB, Biao Zhu B, Liu LL, Fang JY. 2020. Patterns and determinants of soil microbial residues from tropical to boreal forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 151, 108059.

Zhou LH, Shen HH*, Xu YP, Li H, Chen LY, Wang YH, Zhang PJ, Zhao X. Liu TY, Hu HF, Fang JY*. 2019. Soil organic carbon components in inner Mongolian shrub-encroached grasslands. Plant Soil 442,199-213.

Zhou LH, Shen HH, Chen LY, Li H, Zhang PJ, Zhao X, Liu TY, Liu SS, Xing AJ, Hu HF, Fang JY*. 2019. Ecological consequences of shrub encroachment in the grasslands of northern China. Landscape Ecology 34, 119-130.

Zhou LH, Shen HH*, Chen LY, Li H, Zhang PJ, Zhao X, Liu TY, Liu SS, Xing AJ, Hu HF, Fang JY. 2019. Species richness and composition of shrub-encroached grasslands in relation to environmental factors in northern China. Journal of Plant Ecology 12, 56-66.

Liu SS, Shen HH, Zhao X, Zhou LH, Li H, Xu LC, Xing AJ, Fang JY*. 2019. Estimation of plot-level soil carbon stocks in China's forests using intensive soil sampling. Geoderma 348, 107–114.

Li H, Shen HH*Zhou LH, Zhu YK, Chen LY, Hu HF, Zhang PJ. Fang JY. 2019. Shrub encroachment increases soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in temperate grasslands in China. Land Degradation and Development 30, 756-767.

Zhou LH, Li H, Shen HH, Xu YP, Wang YH, Xing AJ, Zhu YK, Zhou SZ, Fang JY*. 2018. Effects of shrub encroachment on vertical changes in soil organic carbon in Mongolian grasslands: using a multi-biomarker approach. Plant Soil 431, 217-230.

Zhou LH, Li H, Shen HH*, Xu YP, Wang YH, Xing AJ, Fang JY. 2017. Shrub-encroachment induced alterations in input chemistry and soil microbial community affect topsoil organic carbon in an Inner Mongolian grassland. Biogeochemistry 136, 311-324.

Li H, Shen HH, Chen LY, Liu TY, Hu HF, Zhao X, Zhou LH, Zhang PJ, Fang JY*. 2016. Effects of shrub encroachment on soil organic carbon in global grasslands. Scientific Reports 6, 28974.

Chen LY, Li H, Zhang PJ, Zhao X, Zhou LH, Liu TY, Hu HF, Bai YF, Shen HH*, Fang JY. 2015. Climate and native grassland vegetation as drivers of the community structures of shrub-encroached grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China. Landscape Ecology 30, 1627–1641.


主要获奖成果 The Main Achievements



科研项目Research projects









研究生培养Graduate Student Cultivation

